Scouting has been for so many years but it luks sound and it going accurately at THE WESTERN COMMAND LAGOS ZONE. WITH THEIR DC





Sea Scouts are members of the international Scouting movement, with a particular emphasis on boating and water-based activities. These activities can be on the sea, rivers or lakes. Sea Scouts can provide a chance to sail, cruise on boats, learn navigation,observation, pioneering, learn how to work on engines and compete in regattas. Sea Scouts often have distinctive uniforms. In some countries or scout organizations, Sea Scouting is a program just for older Scouts.One of the earliest records of "Sea Scouts" is in Chums magazine which refers to "Sea Scouts" as early as July 1909. These Sea Scouts were part of the Chums Scouts and British Boy Scouts.[citation needed]

Also in the Chums magazine, the British Boys Naval Brigade, later National Naval Cadets, were subtitled 'Scouts of the Sea' from the 14 July 1909 edition and, from the 28 July 1909 edition, 'Sea Scouts of the Empire'. The British Boy Scouts and an original company of The National Naval Cadets were both headquartered in Battersea, London and the 'boys' weekly newspaper Chums was the official journal of both. The National Naval Cadets affiliated with the British Boy Scouts as part of its Sea Scouts.[citation needed]

Later, Sea Scouts were introduced within the Baden-Powell Boy Scouts organization. In the first edition of 'Scouting for Boys', Baden-Powell mentioned that "A Scout should be able to manage a boat, to bring it properly alongside a ship or pier....". In December 1908, the first Seamanship badge was issued as one of the first 'Efficiency' badges. A camp for Scouts was held at Bucklers Hard, Hampshire in August 1909 at which boating activities were a focus. In 1911, Baden-Powell wrote the booklet Sea Scouting for Boys. Warington Baden-Powell[4] wrote Sea Scouting and Seamanship for Boys in 1912, with a foreword by Robert Baden-Powell. A special uniform for Sea Scouts was approved in 1910 and, in 1912, the name "Sea Scouts" was officially adopted within Baden-Powell's Boy Scouts Association.[5]
 Sea Scouts, a program combining the traditions of the past with the technology of the future. Whether you look to the sea for a career or lifelong hobby, Sea Scouts is for you.
The element of water makes Sea Scouts unique. Sea Scout units use a variety of boats, from outboard motorboats to large sailing yachts. Sea Scouts belong to a world that is distinct from anything on shore, and they have their own language and customs.  The water is not a place for the unwary, and the Scout motto, "Be Prepared," is imperative. The challenge is taking a vessel from point A to point B while being ready for whatever may be encountered along the way. Crewing a vessel involves sharing the duties of helmsman, navigator, lookout, cook, sail handler, or engineer. Outings on a boat offer new destinations in the morning and the changing scenery of a new harbor by evening. Every event is an adventure.
Sea Scout programs are run by the youth members. Elected officers plan and conduct the program. Being part of the vessel's crew teaches teamwork. As experience is gained, more opportunities arise to contribute to the leadership of the unit. At quarterdeck meetings, ship's officers work together to plan and evaluate the ship's program. Leadership skills learned in Sea Scouts last a lifetime.
Sea Scouts give service to others.
Sea Scouts have been of service to hundreds of communities across the nation. Service can be expressed in individual good turns to others or in organized projects involving the crew or the whole ship. In rescues at sea, or facing emergencies on shore, Sea Scouts have saved lives and property. Sea Scout service puts citizenship into action.
Sea Scout advancement rewards individual pursuits of excellence. Each level of advancement marks growth as a seaman and a leader. The highest rank a Sea Scout can earn is the prestigious Quartermaster rank.
Seafaring has traditions that go back hundreds of years. Sea Scouts have adapted these traditions to the Sea Scout program and have created traditions of their own.
A youth must be 13 years of age and graduated from the eighth grade or be 14 to join Sea Scouts. You can stay in Sea Scouts until you are 21 years of age.  Sea Scout ships can be located by contacting the Boy Scouts of America in your area. If there is not a ship nearby, encourage parents, school, church, or community organizations to organize one.
Sea Scouting also found its way to the rest of the world

THE WESTERN COMMAND SEA SCOUT  POP was recongnize and was given an upper hand. Here are some  of their Leaders and boys  in action:





  1. sea scout calabar zone calling, please we need badges in our command how can we get them

  2. Please my name Francis Raphael and am a member of sea scout
    We don't have any body that is training us in our school

    SCHOOL at ibeju lekki
    Even does of us that want to buy the uniform can not get it because we dont have any sea scout contact

    We ready now
    Please help

    1. 08180226867 OLAMODI TEMITOPE from apapa division,or chart on Facebook (OLAOTI OLAMODI TEMITOPE)

  3. 08180226867 OLAMODI TEMITOPE from apapa division,or chart on Facebook (OLAOTI OLAMODI TEMITOPE)


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